Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Resurrecting Bouquet


In the 1990s I started dabbling with a new kind of system analysis. Object Oriented System Analysis. I quickly became familiar with all of the great OOA/D tools. The one that stood out for me was Rational Rose. I dove right in and over time became quiet proficient in using the tool. I quickly started writing scripts to to make my life easier and automate repeated tasks. This was the birth of a project named Bouquet.
Move forward 20 years. I am still using UML to design and architect systems, but I also use rapid prototyping technologies like sails, rails and grails. Most recently I am focusing on NodeJS/SailsJS development. I dusted off my old Bouquet specs and started working on resurrecting Bouquet with the latest technologies.
These are the technologies that I am leveraging this time.
  • PlantUML - Textual way of describing UML diagrams
  • SailsJS - MVC framework for NodeJS development
  • Commander - npm module for command line programming for NodeJS
  • GitHub MD - Markdown language for projects in GitHub.
The tools by themselves are very useful. Bringing all the tools together is where I found the most benefit.


PlantUML is a component that lets you quickly write several UML diagrams using Text instead of a drawing tool. It is great for many but not all of the UML diagrams. I have found that it covers everything that I typically need to do for Architectures of systems. UseCase, Component, Class, Deployment, Scenarios, and Activity Diagrams.
One of the benefits of using PlantUML that the text files that your create (*.puml) can be checked in to GitHub. You can also generate image files (png) from the text files (puml) and check in the image files as well. I do this so my design documents in GitHub (Markdown language is used) can reference the images that have been generated. Generating the image (png) files is as easy as typing in a command line.
# java -f design/plantuml.jar myDiagram.puml
Because I am using NodeJS. I can use a npm script command to actually generate all of the my images. Basically I put another target in my package.json file in the root directory that searches all of my design directories and generates the png files.
  "scripts": {
  "design": "java -jar design/plantuml.jar design/*.puml design/**/*.puml",
Now you can generate png files for all of your design diagrams, just type.
# npm run-script design 
To find out more about PlantUML click here You can download the latest jar file for quick image generation here. There is also a Plugin for PlantUML for Intellij and several other IDEs.


SailsJS is a MVC convention over configuration framework for NodeJS applications. This uses a common pattern that can be found in several programming languages today. Examples include Ruby o Rails, and Groovy on Grails.


Commander is a nodejs module for command-line processing. I use this to develop command line interfaces for the systems that I architect. This gives me a quick and dirty way of providing a command line interface with very little lifting.

GitHub MD

MD - Markdown language is used to quickly and easily document a git hub repository. The language allows for simple text based documentation to make it quick and easy.


Using the concept of convention over configurability of SailsJS, I extended the same concepts that already exist in SailsJS and created a design and bin directory in the project root directory. This gives me a place to put the design of the architecture as well as the CLI (Command Line interface) of the system being architected. This is important because most of the architectures I am working have a Web, REST and CLI .

Directory Hierarchy

After a SailsJS project is created a standard directory hierarchy contains several directories and files. I added two additional directories to the top level (bin, design, and test). Next, I add corresponding subdirectories in the design directory as shown below.
  • api - Standard SailsJS directory
  • assets - Standard SailsJS Directory
  • bin - Contains commander binaries
  • config - Stanard SailsJS Directory
  • design - Contains Architecture and Design of the system
    • Actors - Actors of the system
      • - ReadMe for all of the Actors
      • < Actor Name > - Directory for each Actor of the system
    • UseCases - Use Cases of the system
      • - ReadMe file for all of the UseCases
      • UseCases.puml - PlantUML file for all of the Use Cases and Actors
      • < UseCase Name > - Directory for each Use Case of the system
    • Systems - System Components
      • - ReadMe for all of the sub-systems
      • < Sub System Name > - Directory for each sub system.
    • - Top ReadMe for the Architecture and Design
    • Architecture.puml - Top level architecture plantUML diagram
    • plantuml.####.jar - plantUML jar file used to generate png files.
  • tasks - Standard SailsJS Directory
  • test - Contains test for the system.
    • bin - Test the CLI
    • Actors - Test the Actor interactions One Test Suite per Actor with each use case
    • UseCases - Test the Scenarios as described. One Test Suite per Scenario with tests for each different path through the scenario
    • System - Test of each subsystem. One Test Suite for each SubSystem, a test for each of the interface calls.
  • views - Stand SailsJS Directory


I know as I start using this I will add more generated artifacts to the system. So if you have any ideas please let me know. You can find more at the github project

Additional Blogs in a series of Bouquet Blogs