Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Morning LDS Conference

Another great morning to listen to conference.

Listening to the Spirit by Dieter F Uchtdorf
The spirit of God is a comforter, guide and protector.
We need to open ourselves to the spirit so it can help us get through hard times. It removes the burdens of our life as long as we are willing to let it effect our lives.
We need to listen to the spirit and not ignore it. When we are serving other people the spirit will guide us even more. Loose yourself in helping other people. The spirit uplifts and brings happiness to everyone. The best way it effects people is through serving other people. We need to share our spiritual experiences with our friends. We need to share our great church and spiritual experiences in normal social areas without being preachy.
The internet and social networks gives us the opportunities to share the gospel to the world. We need to preach the gospel in our actions and words. Help everyone to see the spirit of our religion with the way we act and react to things.

Trials and affliction of life by Paul V Johnson
Afflictions are a trial of our faith. Remember the life is a test, but that is not all. They are part of growing into a celestial being. It purifies us, helps us grow and understand who we really are. Affliction if we handle them properly, will sanctify us. Helps us to become our the fullest potential son or daughter of God that we are. Affliction sometimes feels laser guided. Tailored just for us. Heavenly Father wants us to grow into the most that we can be.
We need to remember that our afflictions are truly lite compared to our total existence. The Suffering of Christ is far worse than anything that we have to go through. Affliction helps us realize our true Divine Nature.

Temporal Well-being by H David Burton
The history of the welfare program of the church is recounted. We help people help themselves. Not just help people. We are trying to help people get off of welfare so they can help other people. Avoiding Debt, cheap thrift, teach between needs and wants. We need to care for each other while we are here on earth. We need to learn sacrifice and consecration. These are eternal principles that need to be understood. We cannot teach the spirit when the physical needs of the people are not met. We need to make sure that we are taking care of the poor and needy. We need to search out those that are willing to help themselves.

Personal Question
What is the world record for having a congregation singing the same song? How many do you think are singing at conference? Weird thoughts.

Love and serve by Silvia H Allred
Loving and serving one another is the sign of true discipleship. The welfare program is administrated at the local level through the Bishop and Relief Society President. The Relief Society is the oldest woman's organization on the earth. They work in conjunction with the Bishop in the ward to help with the temporal needs of the people in the ward. The bishop's storehouse if a key part of the welfare program. Short term needs are met immediately. And a self reliance plan is established for the individual family. Love is the guiding principle of the welfare program.

The spirit of revelation by David A Bednar
Light replaces Darkness. Like a light in being turned on in a room. Another is the rising sun. It is gradual and the intensity of the sun slowly removes the darkness. The spirit of revelation is much like the sun but it can come at once. Revelation comes through the holy ghost. The spirit of revelation is give to all people that have been baptized and have received the gift of the holy ghost and is living the gospel. This is given to all people not just church leaders.
We need to avoid those things that distract from the spirit. We need to reject the devils incitements and fill them with prompting of the spirit.
Most frequently Revelation comes as the sun rising. Gradually and gently we receive bits of answers are we are prepared for them.
By the little and small things the lord can help us understand what we need to know. We need to understand that the little promptings are the things that will help us go forward. If we seek after signs and huge spiritual experiences we are not doing what we should be doing. I like to think of it as small corrections to our path instead of huge corrections to fix us on the correct path.

Temples by Thomas S Monson
In the last 30 years 113 temples have been built.
There are 26 temples are under construction right now. Temples are being taken to the people. They are being currently made more accessible to the people to do their work and the work of their dead. Great story about the Manuas saints temple trip.
Sacrifice has been key to the building of temples and temple attendance. We need to make sure that we taking the advantage of having temples close to us. We need to attend often and in the right manner of worship. We need to visit the temples often. Plan the trips even though they are close we need to plan for them so we will go. We will find peace in the temples away from the world.

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