Alright afternoon Session on a Saturday. I am busy scanning photos and listening to conference. So here is the report.
Statistics Report
One of my favorite parts of Conference is the Statistics report. I know that sounds strange with all of the great talks and such, but I am a numbers guy.
2896 Stakes
340 Missions
2860 Wards
14130467 Members
272,000 Convert baptisms
Total missions is over 70,000 service and proselyting.
134 Total Temples
Bring the Gospel to the People by Boyd K Packer
During the Dark ages many coorupt priests and royality did not want the common people to be able to understand the gospel. The founders of the reformation would be happy to see that many young people know and understand the gospel stories. We have the Book of Mormon that continues to teach people about Christ.
The gospel and the priesthood has been restored. Prophets exist today. Laws have been established for our time through the prophets. Like the Word of Wisdom, Law of Chasity, Family Life (The husband is the head of the home and the mother the heart of the home, it is a partnership, Both parents nourish the spiritual aspects of the children)
Good part of the talk was about forgiveness. Let things go. We are taught not to hold grudges and let the hardship drive us from Christ. If you are carrying some burden forget it. Forgive often and repent little (Don't sin).
His talk is a great talk for everyone to listen to. It covers everything that someone would like to know about Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Great talk. I think this might be his last. Because he put everything in this talk that he is known for talking about.
Displace Fear with Faith by Russel M Nelson
Our faith will be the seed of faith for our Children. Satan is real and will try and cause us grief and despair and he is in grief and despair. The forces of evil will always fight with the forces of good. Displace fear with faith. Strengthen our Faith to over come fear.
As parents we need to teach our children about faith.
- Let your children feel your faith even in trials
- Focus your faith on Jesus Christ
- Teach your children about
- your faith in Jesus Christ
- them that they are child of God in his image with purpose and a mission
- them of faith in Gods plan of salvation, a time of probation and test
- in faith to keep all commands of God.
- Warn them that some people will pick some commandments to follow. We must keep all of his commandments.
- that keeping the commandments will bring blessings that will protect them from the things of the world. Christ and his angels will help us.
- Prayer is important to increasing faith. We may need to have a change in perspective like Joseph Smith when told that his tribulations are for his good.
- Strength comes when you remember you have a divine nature and much is expected of you in this life. As you remember this you will reach out to those things that he would have us do.
- The Priesthood and faith in Christ together can change your life. They together hold the keys to all spiritual blessings in the Church.
- As we obey the commandments the Lord will fight our battles and the battles of our children.
Incredible talk most definitely a talk I will read over and over again.
Eternal Families by Richard J Maynes
Eternal Families are essential to our existence. We have an eternal family in Heaven and here on Earth. We need to understand we have a heavenly family. The same sociality that exists here is the same that will exist in heaven. Satan wants to destroy everything about the family. He uses the following tools to destroy families.
- Selfishness
- Greed
- Pornography
The great plan of happiness is centered around the eternal family.
To fight the battles from Satan we need to do the simple things.
- Family Home Evening
- Scripture Study
- Family Prayer
The responsible of establishing a Christ Centered Home is the responsibility of the Parent with word and through their examples. Great poem about the sheep and lambs. This is a must read. Parents need to teach their children or the sins of the children will be upon the parents.
Testimonies by Cecil O Samuelson Jr.
Who is entitled to have a testimony? Everyone that is willing to do the things to gain one.
How does one get a testimony? Ask God through prayer if the gospel is true.
How to I keep and strength a testimony? You need to nourish it. Prayer, keep the commandments.
Things to do to keep your testimony strong.
- Everyone has worth because we are Children of God.
- We must understand that a change of heart is a process and happens over time
- We must learn to grow from our challenges
- We trust in the things we know.
- Hoping, believing and then knowing
- Teach others what we know.
- Do the little but daily things to keep things strong (Pray, Scriptures, Meetings, Temple)
- Should not have higher standard for others than ourselves. Other peoples problems should not matter to our salvation
- Don't be too hard on yourself
- Allow the Atonement into our lives.
We now have a great list of things need to do in our day to day lives. So it should be easy for all of us to follow right. ;)
Desire by Dallin H Oaks
Desires dictate our actions
Common Desires include
- Food can be overcome with a desire to fast
- Shelter - Example to go camping
- Sleep - Example about solders at war.
Enos is a great example of Desire. After he prayed to have his sins forgiven him and then his desire changed to help his brethren.
Desire, Labor and Faith lead to blessings
We will be judged according to our desires. We need to ask ourselves if our desires are righteous desires.
We are
- Property - Materialism, Seek not after riches
- Prominence - Need to follow the example of Capitan Moroni
- Pride
- Power
We need to desire to save our marriages or obtain a celestial marriage.
Great talk on pride, desire and forgiveness.
Charity in the World of Confusion by M Russell Ballard
How can we find peace of mind and happiness in the hard times that we are going through?
Find flecks of gold instead of large nuggets of gold. By small and simple things we can know all things and have happiness. Focus on the small simple things in our lives.What are the small simple things of the gospel that we should focus on. The principle of Love. Loving God with all of our Strength, Heart, and Mind. The pure love of Christ, Charity is this simple principle.
If we have pure charity then we will know how to act in all situations. It is an active Love that is shown through simple acts of kindness, service, and love.
- Charity should begin at home. Start with the Golden Rule.
- Charity should also be at Church. Words of support and sensitivity. Were charity exists there is not room for gossip.
- Serve in our communities. Show charity in our community. Small and simple things can show love to all people.
- Kindness is a passport that opens doors.
- We need to share the gospel with our neighbors.
- We need to ask who needs our help and then we can help them.
- We need to loose ourselves in helping others.
Again great talks. Cannot wait until Preisthood session tonight.