Thursday, October 27, 2011

An Argument for Software Coding Standards

I have had the unique opportunity of co-authoring three books. Each book was very unique in the way that it was published.  As you would expect, by the time the third book was published, it was much easier than the first. However, you might be surprised why that was the case. Let’s take a look at what happened.

In 1999 I began co-authoring magazine articles for  Rose Architect, a small magazine that talked about all things Rational Rose. This quickly grew into writing for several different trade magazines and publications. The main topic of the articles focused on software development tools and processes. After about 50 articles, my friend and co-writer, Christian Buckley and I decided we should put these together in a book.  What an endeavor!
Our first decision was to self-publish the book. We found a printer, designed the cover, decided the size of the book. ( There is no standard size for technical books. They are all different sizes.)  We gathered all of the articles together, categorized them and divided them into chapters. Next, we wrote introductions and conclusions for the chapters, transition paragraphs, a preface, a conclusion chapter and even rewrote some of the articles.

We had all of the content, text, graphics, bibliography, everything we needed for a book. We then spent the next 4-5 months working on the format so it was consistant and would fit on the size book that we wanted.  We spent more time formatting and moving graphics, so they fit on the same page as the text, than we spent writing the content for the book. Our grand masterpiece finally went to the printer and we had the book in hand. Secrets of the Change Agent: Strategies for Software Development was born and we were the proud parents. Of course you can buy our book on Amazon. (Shameless plug)

Although the book did not make us the JK Rowlings of software engineering geeks, it did land us a book deal with a real publisher, Addison-Wesley. They wanted us to re-write our book to focus on Rational ClearCase Deployments. More specifically, how to use a system engineering approach to deploying ClearCase environments. This was the beginning of our next book:  The Art of ClearCase® Deployment: The Secrets to Successful Implementation.  

Now that we had a real publisher, we had to fit our writing style into their templates so their printer could automatically take the book and print it in their standard sizes, standard fonts, and font sizes. It took us sometime to learn the new template format and since much of our content was written in a different format, it had to be converted. Looking back we probably spent about 1/3 of our time formatting this book into this well defined standard from the publisher.

Within months of our book hitting stores, Addison-Wesley commissioned us to write a third book. This time on another tool from IBM-Rational. The tool was ClearQuest. There wasn’t a book out there yet on the tool and they liked the perspective we used in our other books. I had used the tool before, but was not an expert. By the end of writing the book, I would be.

We wrote the book from scratch. Nothing had been written before hand. We started with the template that Addison-Wesley gave us and started writing. Something amazed me this time. I spent no time at all worrying about formatting. I was already familiar with the writing standard and template they gave me. It was like second nature writing in that template. I focused all of my time on writing content for the book and making sure I understood the tool well enough to write about it. The book only took us six months from the first time we started writing to the time we were at the printers, three months shorter than the previous book. Our book: Implementing IBM® Rational® ClearQuest®: An End-to-End Deployment Guide is still considered the definitive guide to deploying Rational ClearQuest.

So what does this have to do with anything? I found it interesting that the final product was the same, a book. But the effort and time I spent on the actual content of the book compared to the formatting and style of the book overtime decreased and the quality of the book increased. My focus in the last book was the content. All of my creative energy was spent on the things that mattered, the content not the format, font size or color of the book.

I have found in my career when there is a well defined coding standard, development process, and tool chain, software engineers produce higher quality code in a more predictable manner. Their creative energy is focused on delivering the product not on the process of delivering the product. When teams have an ad-hoc coding standard, process and tools, the engineers tend to spend valuable time figuring out trivial things like: where to indent their code or what tool to use to share their code with their team.
Just my random thoughts.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Agile Methodology: Yet another fad?

Throughout my career, I have seen several fads come and go in software development methodologies, tools and processes:

  • Structured programming, Object-oriented Development, Aspect-oriented development
  • Methodologies like Waterfall, spiral, iterative development cycles, Agile, SCRUM, CCM
  • Fully integrated development environments like visual studio, eclipse.
  • Languages like ADA, Fortran, C/C++/C#, Java, Groovy/Grails, .....

After years of management and organizational behaviorist trying and figure out how to harness the ever changing requirements of product development, dynamic competition, and the innovative energy of software engineers, they finally gave up! Gave control to the engineers! And we always deliver on time, with high quality, and with all of the features the customer wants. Ok not really, but with some of the new methodologies like Agile and SCRUM appear that way at first glance.

Agile is really not that new. The Agile Manifesto came out in 2001. Just after the great Dot Com boom and bust. The group that came up with the manifesto came from several different software anarchist individuals that wanted to give more power to the engineering teams and get away from the arcane methodologies that produced more paperwork than source code. Words like self-organizing; cross-functional, adaptive-development came out of this group of 17 software developers. The key values that the Agile Methodology focuses on are:

  • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
  • Working software over comprehensive documentation
  • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
  • Responding to change over following a plan

Many of these values fly in the face of micro-managers of the middle management ranks today. Think about the last time you sat down with your manager or director and they said they wanted a plan, documentation on how everything was to be done and then you could start doing your work. These software engineers came up and told management enough we know if we focus on these key items then we can deliver.

This great experiment in software development started to take hold and there are several case studies out there for agile development in small teams < 20 people. The same is not true for larger teams. Products that have large teams suffer from too many communication channels, distributed teams, and too many moving parts to keep control of. Although it appears that agile breaks down with larger teams, there are some groups trying to introduce agile methods and principles into large teams by mixing Methodologies. This is still a very new area in Agile and organizations are still trying to figure out how to make it work in a predictable manner. With companies being so data driven that is probably why it has not moved as quickly. Also many of our teams are larger than the 20 or so that agile seems to work best in. When was the last time you saw a development/validation team that was < 20 people. It does not happen very often.

One of the ideas that is floating around is a hybrid plan that allows for high-level planning, architecture and design, and allows for the smaller teams to value the four key values of agile, like working software, customer collaboration, responding to change and valuing the individual. The idea behind this methodology is to break the product up into components that can be developed, tested and delivered independent of each other. The combination of components together makes up a complete product which is delivered by an integration team that is agile itself. This is not an easy endeavor and requires great communication, face-face team, tracking of component and their progress, and trust. Let me say again Trust. Trust that all of the individual development teams are gathering requirements from their customers, other development teams, or the integration team. Trust that teams will deliver on time and what they said they would deliver.

I am working on writing up our experiences from this hybrid approach which should be coming in anthor blog soon.

Helpful links:

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Soul Surfer Review

I had the opportunity to take my kids to see a movie. We had heard good things about the movie Soul Surfer. So I took my 4 youngest children (4-13 years old). It is hard to find a movie that all of the kids will like. But I did find one in this movie that hit this perfect. The movie tells the story of a 13 year old girl that looses her arm to a shark while doing one of the most important things in her life, surfing. It shows how her faith and courage help her overcome her fears and diabilities. The family is a surfing family and the only thing more important than surfing is their faith in Jesus Christ. The movie gives a great balance between preaching and showing how faith can overcome all things. This is a must see for anyone. Great story telling. My youngest daughter wanted to see the movie again as well as my oldest son. Help support movies like this and go and see this movie.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Afternoon Session of LDS Conference

Eternal Families by Richard G Scott
Marriage and families are the two pillars of the plan of Happiness. Nothing brings more happiness than a happy eternal family. Young men come home from your missions and plan on getting married. Do not prolong getting married. Find and search out someone great for you. Be the best you can with her. Great talk on how to keep a marriage alive and fresh. Small things all of the time that show each other how much you love each other. There are time of happiness and trials. This is a great talk on Marriage and how things are suppose to work in a Marriage.

Divine Chastening by D Todd Christofferson
Heavenly Father wants the most for us and asks much from us. The judgement is the judgement of the final results of our acts throughout our life. We need to become what our heavenly father wants us to become. God makes demands on us that we should stand up to doing. The God of the Bible ask for sacrifice of all things even your life. Willingness to listen and accept correction. Divine chastening. We should become self correcting. To do this we should become more self aware. We need to ask ourselves what can we do better. Deny yourselves of all un-Godliness.

Tithing Evening by Carl B Pratt
Great story about a mexican family that paid their tithing when they did not think they would have money to pay for things. We are all indebted to the Lord. Let's be honest when we pay our tithing. Pay tithing in all cases not just in times of abundance. Do not delay to offer the first fruits. We should pay our tithing as soon as we get paid. The promise is not always wealth. He blesses us with wisdom and spiritual blessings. He can help us enjoy harmony and peace in the home when we pay our tithing.

Be-Do by Lynn G Robbins
We should be like Christ. He is our Example. To be and to do are inseparable. Those that do with out being are hypocrits. Same with those that be with out do.
  • To Be lists need to be developed.
  • To Do lists need to be developed as well.
We are never done being good parents. The best thing we can do is help our children become like Christ. We show our children the best way to follow Christ through our discipline. We need to teach the children consequences of their actions with love and kindness. Do not remove the consequences from their actions. We need to work the Be of the children not just the Do. We need to make sure that they do not hear what they Do by who they are their Be. We cannot ignore their Do, but we should focus on their Be.
Great talk that needs to be read again.

Becoming Saints by Benjamin De Hoyos
We need to become saint of Jesus Christ through the simple things we do in our lives.
  • Prayer,
  • Attend church,
  • Study scriptures,
  • Help each other,
  • Serve missions
  • Demonstrate charity in their lives.
The Saviour will nourish us when we follow the things that he has asked us. We need to place our confidence in the Lord and he will help us get through the hard times in our lives.

Repentance, Coming back to the Lord by C Scott Grow
Great story about a lost soul that came back to the Church and the Lord. A man that repents of their sins will confess them and forsake them. The Atonement is the greatest gift that we have been given. Christ took upon the sins and the illness, pain and sorrow of his people. He felt the anguish if sin and sorrow. Repent, Repent you do not know how bad the suffering will be and could be. Place our sins and sorrow at the foot of the atonement. The Atonement can take away all sins, expect for Sons of Perdition. Forgive those that transgressed against you forgive yourself.
Just because we sin does not mean we take the consequences of the sin away when we repent, but we can change our lives and move on. Another great talk on repentance and the atonement.

Ensign to the Nations by Jeffery R Holland
Story about ensign peak. The Conference is done by divine revelation. No topics are given to the people giving the talks at the conference. The miracle of the conference talks is that it is coordinated by Heaven through personal revelation of the individual person giving the talk. It is amazing that the talks can be targeted to millions of people of different ages, cultures and situations in their lives. The conference calls everyone to come unto Christ, and tells those that are trying to follow Christ to step it up and help people become the best that they can. The more we come unto Christ the more stringent it becomes. We invite all to come to Christ through kindness and all inclusiveness. And we also need to grow those people to true discipleship which is hard and exact. We need to listen by the spirit so we can hear what we need to.

Closing comments by Thomas S Monson
He talked about the gratitude of the work that the apostles and the members of the Church. Then he talked about the gratefulness of the Saviour for his sacrifice for us. Christ taught us how to live and how to die. He testified of the true nature of Christ. Great testimony of Christ and what we should remember during this easter season.

Sunday Morning LDS Conference

Another great morning to listen to conference.

Listening to the Spirit by Dieter F Uchtdorf
The spirit of God is a comforter, guide and protector.
We need to open ourselves to the spirit so it can help us get through hard times. It removes the burdens of our life as long as we are willing to let it effect our lives.
We need to listen to the spirit and not ignore it. When we are serving other people the spirit will guide us even more. Loose yourself in helping other people. The spirit uplifts and brings happiness to everyone. The best way it effects people is through serving other people. We need to share our spiritual experiences with our friends. We need to share our great church and spiritual experiences in normal social areas without being preachy.
The internet and social networks gives us the opportunities to share the gospel to the world. We need to preach the gospel in our actions and words. Help everyone to see the spirit of our religion with the way we act and react to things.

Trials and affliction of life by Paul V Johnson
Afflictions are a trial of our faith. Remember the life is a test, but that is not all. They are part of growing into a celestial being. It purifies us, helps us grow and understand who we really are. Affliction if we handle them properly, will sanctify us. Helps us to become our the fullest potential son or daughter of God that we are. Affliction sometimes feels laser guided. Tailored just for us. Heavenly Father wants us to grow into the most that we can be.
We need to remember that our afflictions are truly lite compared to our total existence. The Suffering of Christ is far worse than anything that we have to go through. Affliction helps us realize our true Divine Nature.

Temporal Well-being by H David Burton
The history of the welfare program of the church is recounted. We help people help themselves. Not just help people. We are trying to help people get off of welfare so they can help other people. Avoiding Debt, cheap thrift, teach between needs and wants. We need to care for each other while we are here on earth. We need to learn sacrifice and consecration. These are eternal principles that need to be understood. We cannot teach the spirit when the physical needs of the people are not met. We need to make sure that we are taking care of the poor and needy. We need to search out those that are willing to help themselves.

Personal Question
What is the world record for having a congregation singing the same song? How many do you think are singing at conference? Weird thoughts.

Love and serve by Silvia H Allred
Loving and serving one another is the sign of true discipleship. The welfare program is administrated at the local level through the Bishop and Relief Society President. The Relief Society is the oldest woman's organization on the earth. They work in conjunction with the Bishop in the ward to help with the temporal needs of the people in the ward. The bishop's storehouse if a key part of the welfare program. Short term needs are met immediately. And a self reliance plan is established for the individual family. Love is the guiding principle of the welfare program.

The spirit of revelation by David A Bednar
Light replaces Darkness. Like a light in being turned on in a room. Another is the rising sun. It is gradual and the intensity of the sun slowly removes the darkness. The spirit of revelation is much like the sun but it can come at once. Revelation comes through the holy ghost. The spirit of revelation is give to all people that have been baptized and have received the gift of the holy ghost and is living the gospel. This is given to all people not just church leaders.
We need to avoid those things that distract from the spirit. We need to reject the devils incitements and fill them with prompting of the spirit.
Most frequently Revelation comes as the sun rising. Gradually and gently we receive bits of answers are we are prepared for them.
By the little and small things the lord can help us understand what we need to know. We need to understand that the little promptings are the things that will help us go forward. If we seek after signs and huge spiritual experiences we are not doing what we should be doing. I like to think of it as small corrections to our path instead of huge corrections to fix us on the correct path.

Temples by Thomas S Monson
In the last 30 years 113 temples have been built.
There are 26 temples are under construction right now. Temples are being taken to the people. They are being currently made more accessible to the people to do their work and the work of their dead. Great story about the Manuas saints temple trip.
Sacrifice has been key to the building of temples and temple attendance. We need to make sure that we taking the advantage of having temples close to us. We need to attend often and in the right manner of worship. We need to visit the temples often. Plan the trips even though they are close we need to plan for them so we will go. We will find peace in the temples away from the world.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Afternoon LDS ConferenceByod K Packer

Alright afternoon Session on a Saturday. I am busy scanning photos and listening to conference. So here is the report.

Statistics Report
One of my favorite parts of Conference is the Statistics report. I know that sounds strange with all of the great talks and such, but I am a numbers guy.

2896 Stakes
340 Missions
2860 Wards
14130467 Members
272,000 Convert baptisms
Total missions is over 70,000 service and proselyting.
134 Total Temples

Bring the Gospel to the People by Boyd K Packer
During the Dark ages many coorupt priests and royality did not want the common people to be able to understand the gospel. The founders of the reformation would be happy to see that many young people know and understand the gospel stories. We have the Book of Mormon that continues to teach people about Christ.

The gospel and the priesthood has been restored. Prophets exist today. Laws have been established for our time through the prophets. Like the Word of Wisdom, Law of Chasity, Family Life (The husband is the head of the home and the mother the heart of the home, it is a partnership, Both parents nourish the spiritual aspects of the children)

Good part of the talk was about forgiveness. Let things go. We are taught not to hold grudges and let the hardship drive us from Christ. If you are carrying some burden forget it. Forgive often and repent little (Don't sin).

His talk is a great talk for everyone to listen to. It covers everything that someone would like to know about Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Great talk. I think this might be his last. Because he put everything in this talk that he is known for talking about.

Displace Fear with Faith by Russel M Nelson
Our faith will be the seed of faith for our Children. Satan is real and will try and cause us grief and despair and he is in grief and despair. The forces of evil will always fight with the forces of good. Displace fear with faith. Strengthen our Faith to over come fear.
As parents we need to teach our children about faith.
  • Let your children feel your faith even in trials
  • Focus your faith on Jesus Christ
  • Teach your children about
  1. your faith in Jesus Christ
  2. them that they are child of God in his image with purpose and a mission
  3. them of faith in Gods plan of salvation, a time of probation and test
  4. in faith to keep all commands of God.
  5. Warn them that some people will pick some commandments to follow. We must keep all of his commandments.
  6. that keeping the commandments will bring blessings that will protect them from the things of the world. Christ and his angels will help us.
  7. Prayer is important to increasing faith. We may need to have a change in perspective like Joseph Smith when told that his tribulations are for his good.
  8. Strength comes when you remember you have a divine nature and much is expected of you in this life. As you remember this you will reach out to those things that he would have us do.
  9. The Priesthood and faith in Christ together can change your life. They together hold the keys to all spiritual blessings in the Church.
  10. As we obey the commandments the Lord will fight our battles and the battles of our children.
Incredible talk most definitely a talk I will read over and over again.

Eternal Families by Richard J Maynes
Eternal Families are essential to our existence. We have an eternal family in Heaven and here on Earth. We need to understand we have a heavenly family. The same sociality that exists here is the same that will exist in heaven. Satan wants to destroy everything about the family. He uses the following tools to destroy families.
  • Selfishness
  • Greed
  • Pornography
The great plan of happiness is centered around the eternal family.
To fight the battles from Satan we need to do the simple things.
  • Family Home Evening
  • Scripture Study
  • Family Prayer
The responsible of establishing a Christ Centered Home is the responsibility of the Parent with word and through their examples. Great poem about the sheep and lambs. This is a must read. Parents need to teach their children or the sins of the children will be upon the parents.

Testimonies by Cecil O Samuelson Jr.
Who is entitled to have a testimony? Everyone that is willing to do the things to gain one.
How does one get a testimony? Ask God through prayer if the gospel is true.
How to I keep and strength a testimony? You need to nourish it. Prayer, keep the commandments.
Things to do to keep your testimony strong.
  1. Everyone has worth because we are Children of God.
  2. We must understand that a change of heart is a process and happens over time
  3. We must learn to grow from our challenges
  4. We trust in the things we know.
  5. Hoping, believing and then knowing
  6. Teach others what we know.
  7. Do the little but daily things to keep things strong (Pray, Scriptures, Meetings, Temple)
  8. Should not have higher standard for others than ourselves. Other peoples problems should not matter to our salvation
  9. Don't be too hard on yourself
  10. Allow the Atonement into our lives.
We now have a great list of things need to do in our day to day lives. So it should be easy for all of us to follow right. ;)

Desire by Dallin H Oaks
Desires dictate our actions
Common Desires include
  • Food can be overcome with a desire to fast
  • Shelter - Example to go camping
  • Sleep - Example about solders at war.
Enos is a great example of Desire. After he prayed to have his sins forgiven him and then his desire changed to help his brethren.

Desire, Labor and Faith lead to blessings
We will be judged according to our desires. We need to ask ourselves if our desires are righteous desires.
We are
  • Property - Materialism, Seek not after riches
  • Prominence - Need to follow the example of Capitan Moroni
  • Pride
  • Power
We need to desire to save our marriages or obtain a celestial marriage.
Great talk on pride, desire and forgiveness.

Charity in the World of Confusion by M Russell Ballard
How can we find peace of mind and happiness in the hard times that we are going through?
Find flecks of gold instead of large nuggets of gold. By small and simple things we can know all things and have happiness. Focus on the small simple things in our lives.What are the small simple things of the gospel that we should focus on. The principle of Love. Loving God with all of our Strength, Heart, and Mind. The pure love of Christ, Charity is this simple principle.
If we have pure charity then we will know how to act in all situations. It is an active Love that is shown through simple acts of kindness, service, and love.

  • Charity should begin at home. Start with the Golden Rule.
  • Charity should also be at Church. Words of support and sensitivity. Were charity exists there is not room for gossip.
  • Serve in our communities. Show charity in our community. Small and simple things can show love to all people.
  • Kindness is a passport that opens doors.
  • We need to share the gospel with our neighbors.
  • We need to ask who needs our help and then we can help them.
  • We need to loose ourselves in helping others.

Again great talks. Cannot wait until Preisthood session tonight.

Morning LDS Conference Talks

I love conference and it fits into my addiction of being a couch potato. And no one can get after me because I am sitting on the couch and watching TV.

Keeping the sabbath day holy. by L Tom Perry
1. Be unspotted from the world
  • Dress appropriate to Church
  • Have Sunday appropriate activities that do not distract from the sacrament. Before and After Church.
  • Conduct ourselves on the sabbath that allows us to receive the blessing that are waiting for us as we keep this commandment.
2. Go to the house of the lord and offer up our sacrifice
  • Come to the sacrament repentant.
  • Our sacrifice is our broken heart and contrite spirit.
3. Rest from our labors.
  • Avoid business activities on Sunday
  • Avoid athletic activites
  • Parents teach your children to be believers. Prepare them for the sacrament.
  • Celebrate the sabbath all day long.

Children are the key to becoming like Heaven Father by Jean A Stevens
Except you become converted and be like a little child can you inherit the kingdom of Heaven. We need to humble ourselves to forgive quickly and and an optimistic hope.

Great story about a primary challenged to pay tithing in a very poor ward. The primary paid their tithing and then the parents followed their example.

Qualitities of Children we need to mimic to obtain the kingdom of heaven
  • Teachable
  • Full of faith
  • Untarnished by the world
  • Trust in the Lord
  • Submissive
  • Humble
  • Meek
  • Patient
  • Full of Love
Behold your children. This is differnt than look or glance. Home is a place were we can all learn and grow together. God gave us families so he can show us how he wants us to be.

Follow Christ's example and become as a little child.

Following Christ by our Examples by Walter F Gonzalez
In our converstaions, our homes, walls, billboards need to invite people to come unto Christ. Righteousness has been sent down from Heaven and it will be spread throughout the wor

People that Follow Christ are:

1. Loving People
  • Christ has shown true love through the Atonement
  • We should follow the Son in all parts of our life.
  • We will become mighty as follow Christ and sacrifice our worldly ways.
Examples are Ruth and Joseph show sacrifice of both temporal and resisting temptation. Both of these are ways to follow Christ.
Following Christ should be based on Love of Christ. The way we treat others shows how we love Christ.

2. Make and Keep Covenants
  • The Atonement of Christ is a covenant between Christ and Heavenly Father.
  • Christ was baptized as a covenant as well.
  • We need to renew our covenant at the sacrament table
  • We can also remember our temple covenants by attending the temple.
  • Pay attention to the words of the covenants and apply them in your life.
Great story about a couple that attended the temple and saved their marriage.

Enduring Emotional and Physical Pain by Kent F Richards
Pain can drive people from God or bring them closer. It is through pain and sorrow that we can learn from to become who we are and who Heavenly Father wants us to become. Many times we suffer pain not because of ourselves but because of situations around us. The Savior knows the pains that we face, we should come unto the savior and his grace to find peace and tranquility. The Atonement covers this pain. We need to apply the atonement in our lives.
We also suffer pain because of our own sins. The pain we feel here is spiritual death and we have separated ourselves from God. The Atonement works in our lives with this as well. Heavenly Father knows our situations and has a plan for each of us individually. He understand how we can best grow and the situations the will help us grow the most as long as we are willing to step up and grow.
Maybe we need to wait in distress while we learn the real meaning of the Atonement in our lives. Christ will not turn you away. He will heal all that come unto him. Sometimes we are heal in our afflictions by given the ability to hold up to the hardships of our lives. The hardships might not be taken away, but we will be given the strength to endure. We need to become like children that endure with patience and faith in the Lord.
In order to understand the Atonement of Christ we need to understand how it can be utilized in our lives. Pain and tribulations are given to us to teach us and to help us to grow.

Latter Day Saint Women Heros by Quentin L Cook

Characteristics of Women
  • Strength
  • Love
  • Faith
  • Willingness to Sacrifice
Pioneer Women are an incredible example of strong women in the church that left their homes to trek to the unknown.

Great story about a purse found at a church dance and the characteristics of a young lady living the gospel. We need to foster good examples to young women in the church.

The most important organization in the world is the family where a mother and father are both working together to raise a family.

Everyone in the Church should participate to the three fold mission of the church. Men and Women work together in the church. Great story about how a relief society rescued 63 men by focusing on them and how they can be brought back to the Lord as families.

No Woman should feel to apologize for taking care of children. We should not judge women that work outside of the home.

Honor and Celebrating The Charity of the Lord by Henry B Eyring
The Lord has established means to help the poor and needed through covenants, programs etc... In the past it has been called the united order, law of consecration, and now the church welfare program. We have covenanted with the Lord to help others in need at baptism and renew that in the sacrament every Sunday.
"Have I done any good in the world today." Primary Song.
Feelings of sympathy drive us to help other people in need. The Church has many mechanisms to help those in need.

The Bishop and Priesthood quorums are the place that needs are identified and help given. They are close to the people and their needs.

  1. Everyone is happier when they can provide for their own family. Helping people to become self reliant is key to the welfare program. Spend less than you earn. Give your surplus to others to help them become self reliant. It builds everyone up together.
  2. The power and blessing of unity when serving others helps increase brotherhood for the receiver and giver.
  3. Draw your family into the work with you. Teach them to help other so they can learn to help each other when they are in need.
  4. Seek out the poor and needed. Find those that need and can grow into helping themselves.
There will be a church wide service day. We need to pray-fully choose something that needed and can help the most people and bring people together.