Sunday, April 23, 2017

Revisiting a Ward in Sao Paulo

Another week of travel another visit to another church in a foreign land. This time I had the
opportunity to attend church in a ward I visited just under two years ago in Sao Paulo. (Indianapolis Ward). The ward has grown quite a bit and there were some people that actually remembered me. It was fun to see how the ward has changed and to talk to people that remembered me.

Like every time I visit I noticed that everything is very much the same and different. First it was great to hear the hymns in Portuguese again. Brought back memories of my mission and how I played the piano (not very well) in many of my areas because no one else could play. When the sacrament meeting started about 1/3 of the seats were filled. By the end of Sacrament meeting it was filled. This brought back memories as well. :) Another thing I noticed was I was the
only one with white hair. (insert old man jokes here.) This reminded me of toward the end of my mission when my parents came to pick me up I was surprise at how fair skinned they were and my mom's blond hair really stood out. I guess I had not looked in a mirror for two years.

This trip has more meaning this year because my son was just called to serve his mission in this part of the world. This ward is in his mission (a geographical area that missionaries serve). I talked to some of the other missionaries that are here and got a feel for the area. Tips of the trade to pass on to Jacob.

After Church I headed over to the Sao Paulo Interlagos Mission Home. This is the central office for the mission and I took some pictures and a couple of videos to share with my son Jacob. I ran into a couple more people that work in the mission office. Brother and Sister Loveless. They work in the office a handle logistics and care and feeding of the missionaries. They knew that Jacob was coming and even told me the date that he was going to arrive Aug 8th, after spending 6 weeks in the Mission Training Center in a different part of Sao Paulo (about 45 minutes away).

There is a Stake building next to the mission office so I went inside to see what it was like and talk to more missionaries. When I walked in I could hear the primary children singing. It was a beautiful sound and reminded me of my primary class I team teach with my wife every Sunday. I miss those kids this week. I also found a bulleten board that listed the missionaries from the stake. They had missionaries serving all over the world. Including the US, Europe, Central and South America. I sometimes forget that other parents in other countries are missing their children as they serve in other countries as well.

I look forward to hearing weekly from Jacob when he is on his mission and to see the pictures of this beautiful place.


Check out my videos from Sao Paulo Here

Monday, April 10, 2017

Docker Containers with DNS - Fix

The DNS Problem

I recently ran into a problem with my containers not being able resolve names to ip addresses. I found this problem when I was installing Jenkins in a container. When I got to the step to install plugins jenkins said it was not connected to the internet. So I do a couple of checks.

First I got the Container ID from docker.
# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                                                 COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                  PORTS                 NAMES
91aa53f4642a        jenkins@sha256:c0cac51cbd3af8947e105ec15aa4bcdbf0bd267984d8e    7be5663b5551bbc5f4b   "/bin/tini -- /usr..."   5 hours ago         Up 5 hours  
 Notice the Container ID is 91aa53f4642a now you can attach to the container and run any system command you want.
#docker exec -it 91aa53f4642a /bin/bashjenkins@91aa53f4642a:/$ ping
The ping command returned not found. Next I checked if I could actually get to an external IP address.
jenkins@91aa54f4642a:/$ ping
When I ran this I got access to the remote site. So I have internet connectivity, but no name resolution.

The Fix

Turns out this is a known problem with docker 1.11 and on. When the resolv.conf is created for for the container it does its best to handle inter-container name and service resolution, but it does not handle the external name resolution. In order to make this happen the host machine of the docker container must start dockerd with the --dns option set to an external DNS like

First you have to find out how dockerd is getting started. if you are using Linux this is probably in the systemctl subsystem. For CentOS you can find this by using the systemctl command.
# systemctl show docker.service | grep Fragment
Now look at the docker.service file and look for the ExecStart. /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
Description=Docker Application Container Engine
Documentation= firewalld.service
# the default is not to use systemd for cgroups because the delegate issues still
# exists and systemd currently does not support the cgroup feature set required
# for containers run by docker
ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP $MAINPID
# Having non-zero Limit*s causes performance problems due to accounting overhead
# in the kernel. We recommend using cgroups to do container-local accounting.
# Uncomment TasksMax if your systemd version supports it.
# Only systemd 226 and above support this version.
# set delegate yes so that systemd does not reset the cgroups of docker containers
# kill only the docker process, not all processes in the cgroup
Now edit this file and change the ExecStart to include the --dns option.
ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd --dns= 
This will tell all of the containers that get started on this host to use as the secondary dns service after the inter-container dns service. Now that you have made the change then you need to restart the docker daemon.
# systemctl daemon-reload
# systemctl restart docker.service
That is all you need to do. Now you check things out by running ping in the container again.
#docker exec -it 91aa53f4642a /bin/bashjenkins@91aa53f4642a:/$ ping
Hope this helps you out with this problem.


Sunday, April 9, 2017

A Beautiful Sunday in Berlin-Wittenberg

Church in Berlin

Church in Berlin

Another trip with my wife and another chance to go to church in a foreign land. This time my wife and I were in Berlin over the weekend, and went to Church. The morning started with a typical sacrament meeting service. Except for one difference, everything was in German. But the Missionaries gave us translation head sets, so we could listen to the meeting in English. The Elders did a great job translating, but sometimes the translation was a bit delayed and some made up words came through a couple of times. It gave us a good laugh. The meeting was a good mix of local Germans and some expats from the United States. We weren't the only ones wearing headsets. 😀

Another thing we noticed right away was that the congregation was small but loved to sing. We have noticed this a common thread with small congregations. They love to sing and it was great to sing the hymns we are used to in
German. Or at least attempt to sing them in German.

We also enjoy the people that we meet when we go on these excursions. This time was no different. We met two families. One family, a mother and father and two little girls. They were both teachers at an international school there in Berlin. It was fascinating to hear their story on how they met. They met online while she was working in Berlin as a teacher and he basically moved out to teach at the school with her. They love Berlin and enjoy being at international school. They do miss family back in the states, but with skype and facetime they said it is more bearable.

Reformation Field Trip

After church we decided to go back in time to about 1500 AD. We drove out to Wittenberg, Germany the birth place of the reformation. This is the place where Martin Luther went to the University and taught biblical studies. This is also the place where he posted his 95 thesis that really kicked off the beginning of the
Reformation. Wittenberg is about 1 1/2 hour out side of Berlin. And it was a nice drive on the autobahn. Yes I got to try and see how fast our little ford focus could go. (200 KPH) Eat your heart out Allen (my older brother with the fast car.)
All Saint's Church

Arriving at Wittenberg we got to see a completely different part of Germany. A part of Germany that was not destroyed by decades of wars and conflict. Wittenberg is a small city that for the most part still has old buildings and churches. Some of the most important buildings in the start of the Reformation. Including Martin Luther's Home, his University and the churches he expounded his doctrinal teachings. This is the 500th year of Martin Luther posting his 95 thesis on the door of the All Saint's Church in Wittenberg.

Another really cool aspect of Wittenberg is just the age of the city and the Martin Luther Museum (Lutherhaus). Lutherhaus was turned into a museum in 1883 after years of the house being used as boarding house for the university, Military hospital, and royal seminary. But one of the rooms remained primarily untouched Martin Luther's living room. This room was the place that he would give lectures after dinner. He and his wife were known to have several guest at dinner every night and then his guests would join him for a evening of conversation and debate about his views on moral authority and biblical teachings. This was the place that the reformation began to take hold.

Peter the Great
Even though the building became a museum in 1883. People from all over the world would come and visit Lutherhaus as earlier as the late 1600's to pay tribute to the founder of the Reformation. Many of the visitors would inscribe their name in chalk or carve their names in the walls of doors of the Living Room. This went on for about 200 years until in 1883 most of the names where cleaned up except for a few. One of the names they left behind is the name of Peter the Great Czar of Russia which he put there when he visited in 1712. Being from the United States my wife and I were astonished that this little house was basically a museum before the united states even existed.

It was a wonderful Sunday and we left impressed with the influence that one man has had on history and the world.


Fault Tolerant Jenkins with Docker Swarm

Installing Docker Swarm

I have chosen to use CentOS 7 for my cluster of machines. So these instructions are for CentOS 7.
First I need to install docker on all of the machines in the cluster.

Set up yum so it can see the latest docker packages.
# sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo

Next install docker onto each machine in your cluster.
# sudo yum install docker-ce
Once you have installed docker on every node in your cluster you can now set up your swarm. First you have to choose which machines will be your manager(s).

On one of the masters you need to initialize the swarm
# docker swarm init
If your machine has more than one network then you will need to specify the ip address to use for the master.
# docker swarm init --advertise-addr
Swarm initialized: current node (a2anz4z0mpb0vmcly5ksotfo1) is now a manager.
To add a worker to this swarm, run the following command:
    docker swarm join \    --token SWMT....wns
To add a manager to this swarm, run 'docker swarm join-token manager' and follow the instructions.

In this example the IP address is for the swarm master. Now on each worker node I just run the join command as specified in the output of the init command.
# docker swarm join --token SWMT...wns
If you want to add another master then you run the command
# docker swarm join-token manager
It will tell you exactly what you need to do.

Setting up Jenkins in your Swarm

Now this is the easy part. Sort of. With docker swarm and services this has just gotten much easier. There are several docker images that are available with jenkins already installed in them. So it is best if we just use one of them. The most popular is "jenkins". Go figure. Now with the image name all we need to do is start a service in the swarm. We can simply write a small compose file and we will be set.
# docker-jenkins.yaml
version: '3'
    image: jenkins
      - "8082:8080"
      - "50000:50000"
      JENKINS_OPTS: --prefix=/jenkins
        constraints: [node.role == manager]
      - $PWD/docker/jenkins:/var/jenkins_home
There are a couple of things to note. 
  • Ports -  First the ports are mapped to 50000 and 8082. This are external ports and will be accessibe outside of the container.
  • Environment - You can set any jenkins options on this line any following environment lines
  • Volumes - This will give us the ability to "mount" a directory from the host machine into the container. So if the container goes down we still have our jenkins installation.  You will need to create the directory using
# mkdir ~/docker/jenkins && chmod 777 ~/docker/jenkins
if you don't do this you will have problems with jenkins coming up.

Now it is time to actually start the service.
# docker stack deploy -c docker-jenkins.yaml buildCreating network build_default
Creating service build_jenkins

Two things where created when the deploy was run. A default network "build_default" and the service "build_jenkins" notice all of the artifacts created will begin with "build_". The default network is created when a network is not specified.

Now you should be able to access the jenkins web site at

Jenkins now requires a password when you install. You can find the password in the secrets directory in the docker/jenkins base directory.
# cat ~/docker/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassord

Cut and paste this into your browser and you will be set and ready to go.

Debugging Tools

Here are a couple of things I found useful when I was setting up the environment.

# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                                                                             COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                 NAMES
91aa53f4642a        jenkins@sha256:c0cac51cbd3af8947e105ec15aa4bcdbf0bd267984d8e7be5663b5551bbc5f4b   "/bin/tini -- /usr..."   5 hours ago         Up 5 hours          8080/tcp, 50000/tcp   build_jenkins.1.abu55c8tybjwrsd35ouaor1d2

Shows the containers that are currently running. This will include the containers that are running the services. I found that some of the containers never started up. So I was trying to find out what happen. So I ran the following command:
# docker service ps build_jenkins
 ID            NAME                 IMAGE           NODE               DESIRED ST    ATE  CURRENT STATE        ERROR                      PORTS
abu55c8tybjw  build_jenkins.1      jenkins:latest  Running            Running 5 hours ago
nac73zp1gc68   \_ build_jenkins.1  jenkins:latest  Shutdown           Failed 5 hours ago   "task: non-zero exit (1)"
xyrmzvx1pnnp   \_ build_jenkins.1  jenkins:latest  Shutdown           Failed 5 hours ago   "task: non-zero exit (1)"
phycp5ypp61o   \_ build_jenkins.1  jenkins:latest  Shutdown           Failed 5 hours ago   "task: non-zero exit (1)"
o3ewixv3hvcy   \_ build_jenkins.1  jenkins:latest  Shutdown           Failed 5 hours ago   "task: non-zero exit (1)"
This will show the tasks for the services before the containers get launched and their status.

Friday, April 7, 2017

KubeCon 2017 Europe

KubeCon was held in Berlin this spring. As a developer focused conference the tee-shirts where everywhere. Intel had a small booth where we had continuous demos of Secure Clear Containers and Kubernetes Federation. The big announcement was the release of Kubernetes 1.6 with its added features.

  • Rolling updates with DaemonSets
  • Beta release of kubernetes federation
  • improved networking functionality and tools
  • Improved scheduling
  • Storage Improvements
  • New adm tool for enterprise customers.

The biggest buzz around the show was default networking, storage and security. Typically Kubernetes chooses configurability over convention, which leads to longer setup time and variability in deployments specify around networking and storage. Security is a hot topic/issue with all container technologies, not just kubernetes.

One of Kubernetes biggest complaints is it is hard to get up and running, especially around network configurations. With 1.6 some network aspects come configured out of the box. For example etcd comes installed and configured (Service Discovery), CNI is now integrated with CRI by default and a stand bridge plugin has been validated with the combination. This decreases the amount of time and variability in previous releases. These are welcomed changes in the distro.

Another big issue with Kubernetes and Containers in general is lack of support of storage. Kubernetes is taking a clue from OpenStack here
and are supporting more Software Defined Storage options. Kubernetes gives the ability to plugin to Ceph, Swift, Lustre and other basic Storage sub-systems. But they are not planning on supporting a storage solution themselves. The announcement at KubeCon was an increased focus on Persistent Volumes. It will be interesting to see how a focus in this area will change the community from compute focused to complete solution focused. Time will tell if it takes.

As I worked the booth for two days and attended sessions which were standing room only,  it was good to interact with developers and hear their problems and concerns about working in the data-center. There was interest in the Kubernetes Federation demo which was somewhat problematic, but gave plenty of talking points. The Secure Clear Containers got lots of traffic and buzz. Many of the conversations were around secure as it is still a major problem with containers in general. Everyone was looking for what was available in the security area.

On a personal note I got the opportunity to meet a long lost cousin from the Pulsipher/Pulsifer side of my family. He was excited to see another Pulsipher and thought he was the last of his family out there. It was fun to share family stories and he got to hear about our common Ancestor which came into the Americans in the 1640s. It was also a great technical contact as he works for Spotify and works as the Director of Security in their data center.


Monday, April 3, 2017

Moving Docker Compose to Docker Stack

Ok. I am finally moving from Docker Compose to Docker Stack. It has been a while since I updated my Docker environment and I am very happy with the direction that docker has moved. They have moved in the direction that I am personally have been promoting. Check out my blog on Services in Multiple environments. Multiple Environment Development.

Swarm Concepts

The first thing I did was read up on the changes in concepts between compose and stack. Docker introduced new concepts of Stack, Service and Task. The easiest way to think of it is a Stack consists of several services, networks and volumes. A Stack can represent a complex application that has multiple services.

A Service can have a set or replicas that consists of a image running in a container and tasks that are run on the container. A Service has State. This is where things are different between compose and stack. Compose launches all of the containers and runs tasks and then forgets about it. Stack can keep track of the state of the containers even after they have been launched. This means if a container that correlates with a service goes down it will launch another one in its place based on policies. Basically your application will be kept up by Swarm. Built in HA, load balancing and Business continuity.

When you specify a service you specify:

  • the port where the swarm will make the service available outside the swarm
  • an overlay network for the service to connect to other services in the swarm
  • CPU and memory limits and reservations
  • a rolling update policy
  • the number of replicas of the image to run in the swarm
Notice the word Swarm here. You must have a docker swarm before you use services and stacks. 

Practical differences

Compose files can be used for Stack deployments. But there are a couple of things to watch out for.
  • "buid" is not supported in stack you have to build with docker build
  • "external_links" is not supported in stack this is covered by links and external hosts.
  • "env_file" is not supported in stack you have to specify each environment variable with "environment"
Wow! That was a problem for me because my compose file had build directives for my project and had env_file to pass in environment variables. Now I had to make changes to make things work the way before.

"build" Alternative

Simply put stack services only take images. So that means that you must build your image before you deploy or update your stack. So instead of just specifying the build in the service definition you must call docker build before calling docker stack deploy.

File: docker-compose.yaml

  build: .
    - 80
    - 8080
    - 1337
    - etsy-mongo
    - etsy-redis
    - "1337:1337"
    - "80:80"
  command: npm start 

And to launch my containers then I just call

# docker-compose up

To make this work properly we need to remove the build line above. And replace it with an image key.

  image: etsy-web
    - 80
    - 8080
    - 1337
    - etsy-mongo
    - etsy-redis
    - "1337:1337"
    - "80:80"
  command: npm start

Then you have to build the etsy-web image first and then deploy the stack

# docker build .
# docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yaml

So it is that easy. Change one key in your yaml file and you can be up and running.

env_file alternative

With stack you specify the environments using the environment tag.
This can be using dictionary or array formats.


  PASSWORD: qwerty
  USERNAME: admin

or Array

  - PASSWORD=qwerty
  - USERNAME=admin

Also take note that the environment variables in the docker-compose.yaml file override any environment variables defined in the dockerfile for the container. Additionally environment variables can be passed into the command line when calling "docker stack". These environment variable override the environment variables in the both the docker-compose.yaml and dockerfile.yaml files.

external_links alternative

"stack" uses link and external hosts to establish service names that are looked up when the containers are launched. This is a change from before when a changes to /etc/hosts was changed for each container to establish container connectivity. See Docker Service Deiscovery.

Benefits of Stack

Even though there are changes to some of the yaml file format and some additional command line options the benefits of having services over containers, stacks over containers is huge. I can now have a managed stack that keeps my services up and running based on policies that I have established for the each service.